What Happened to My Sister
NEW: A Target® "Emerging Author" Selection
“A storytelling triumph about the meaning of family — ultimately a wondrously uplifting tale of hope and redemption starring a main character who is quite simply unforgettable.”
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But Inside I’m Screaming
“An insightful, touching and, yes, even funny account of what it’s like to lose control as the world watches.“
– New York Times bestselling author Mary Jane Clark

Me & Emma
“Me & Emma…has drawn comparisons to Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird and Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones. The story…promises a take-your-breath-away twist to rival that in the movie, The Sixth Sense.“
– Harper’s Bazaar

Everything Must Go
“Elizabeth Flock’s winning third novel exhibits the same uncanny knack for characterization shown in her brilliant second outing, 2005’s Me & Emma.“
– Dallas Morning News

Sleepwalking in Daylight
“Sleepwalking in Daylight is a finely wrought heartbreaker of a novel. Flock writes in compulsively readable prose…shoot[ing] a quiver of arrows straight to the heart.“
– The Denver Post